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Clé France

The French Property Network

Jan 25

Les Meilleurs livres de 2016 (Best French Books in 2016)

I have always been astounded, when walking into a French bookstore, at the amount of international literature (both translated and untranslated) featured on its bookshelves. This is not so much the case in other countries where the book shop shelves are filled with mainly books published within that country, so book lovers can miss wonderful books from other countries; including from France.

Cle France Blogs

So, here is a list of French books that have achieved both public and critical acclaim this past year in France. You may have heard of some of them already, and some may be completely new to you. Most of these books are not yet available in an English translation, however, they most likely will be soon.

It’s also worth it to keep a look out for past books by these authors, which are more likely to have already been translated, if you are interested in reading them in English.

Repose-toi sur moi par Serge Joncort (Flammarion)

Two characters who seem to have little in common share the main plot of this story: Ludovic, a young widower who works in finance, and Aurore, a mother who feels pressure to keep up with her husband. They live in the same building and often meet to talk in the courtyard. But what will come of their meetings? Read the French review here.

La Cheffe, roman d’une cuisinière par Marie Ndiaye (Gallimard)

From the publisher’s website: Le narrateur raconte la vie et la carrière de la Cheffe, une cuisinière qui a connu une période de gloire, dont il a longtemps été l’assistant – et l’amoureux sans retour. Au centre du récit, la cuisine est vécue comme une aventure spirituelle. Non que le plaisir et le corps en soient absents, au contraire : ils sont les instruments d’un voyage vers un au-delà – la Cheffe allant toujours plus loin dans sa quête d’épure.

“The narrator tells the story of the life and career of The Chef, a cook who has had a very successful career, as his past assistant–and former lover. In this book, the kitchen is depicted as a place of spiritual adventure. It’s not that it is a place that is absent of pleasure or sexuality, in fact, quite the opposite: They are the instruments of a journey to the beyond–The Chef always going farther in his quest for refinement.”

Ce qu’il faut de terre à l’homme par Martin Veyron (Dargaud)

Based on Leo Tolstoy’s short story, “How Much Land Does a Man Need?”, this graphic novel by Martin Veyron tells the story of the Siberian peasant Pacôme whose ambition for more land for him and his family begins an ambition that cannot be sated… Learn more here.

Bonne lecture!

Cle France LOGO

Cle Mortgages

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

Add CommentViews: 248
Jan 24

Government loses Supreme Court case over Article 50

FC Exchange

Parliament must vote on whether the government can start the Brexit process, the Supreme Court has ruled.

The judgement means Theresa May cannot begin talks with the EU until MPs and peers give their backing - although this is expected to happen in time for the government's 31 March deadline.

But the court ruled the Scottish Parliament and Welsh and Northern Ireland assemblies did not need a say.

Brexit Secretary David Davis will make a statement to MPs later on Tuesday.

During the Supreme Court hearing, campaigners argued that denying the UK Parliament a vote was undemocratic.

But the government said it already had the powers to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty - getting talks under way - without the need for consulting MPs and peers.

Reading out the ruling, Supreme Court President Lord Neuberger said: "By a majority of eight to three, the Supreme Court today rules that the Government cannot trigger Article 50 without an Act of Parliament authorising it to do so."

Attorney General Jeremy Wright said the government was "disappointed" but would "comply" and do "all that is necessary" to implement the court's judgement.

Gina Miller, one of the campaigners who brought the case against the government, said Brexit was "the most divisive issue of a generation", but added that her victory was "not about politics, but process".

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "Labour respects the result of the referendum and the will of the British people and will not frustrate the process for invoking Article 50."

Article 50 will begin exit talks with the EU, which are expected to last up to two years.

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron said he would press for a second referendum on the final deal reached between the UK government and the EU.

The case against the government was brought by Ms Miller, an investment manager, and hairdresser Deir Tozetti Dos Santos.

The Supreme Court's judgement backs that given by the High Court last year, against which the government appealed.

Just imagine if YOU could forecast the exchange rate?

No one can do that of course but being well informed is a good start and knowing the events coming up that may influence the exchange rate may help you with your planning.

The latest quarterly currency market forecasts from the international money transfer experts, FC Exchange, are now available. The reports are essential reading for anyone buying or selling a property, in fact anyone making international money transfers.

The currency markets will always fluctuate, but last year saw unprecedented levels of volatility. The currency forecasts review the factors that have contributed to the uncertainty we have seen and look ahead to the issues that could affect currency markets in the next quarter and throughout 2017.

Grab your Free Report here... 

FC Exchange Market Report

Do you want more information ?

So if you need to buy or sell sterling and would like to be kept up to date with all the latest data releases and exchange rate movements then feel free to contact myself Ben Amrany. If you are buying or selling a house in France we will make sure your monies are in the right place at the right time, we work hand in hand with you and Cle France.

For more information on the currency service I can provide please feel free to contact myself...

Ben Amrany from FC Exchange follow this link or phone and ask for myself and quote "Cle France" on 020 7989 0000.

You may contact me directly using this form (click here) with your requirement and I will explain the options that are available to you in getting the best exchange rate.

FC Exchange

For everything you need to know about French property visit

Add CommentViews: 356
Dec 21

Top Tips for safe winter driving

One would have thought the festive season was a time to be cosy at home but a surprising number of people travel to their favourite destinations to enjoy the 'holiday' season. Those with the idea of buying a holiday home take the opportunity of house hunting during the Christmas break and this year seems to be a bumper year for Cle France clients viewing before, during and after the Christmas holidays.

So with this in mind we bring you some top tips to prepare you for winter driving in France.

Winter-related car insurance incidents typically increase from late October, but there are plenty of simple steps that you can take to prepare for safe winter driving.

Before you venture out in the car as the chill sets in, ask yourself the following three questions:

Cle France

1. Is your car ready for winter?

Darker nights and adverse weather conditions can make driving particularly hazardous in winter months, but making sure that your car maintenance is up-to-date could help you to avoid an accident.

Check your windscreen, door locks, lights, brakes and mirrors are all clean and in good working order

Inspect the walls, pressure, treads and look for any splits on all of your tyres, including the spare one

Make sure that your insurance covers you, your passengers and the contents of your car. Breakdown cover is an additional option on car insurance policies do you have yours up to date?

2. Do you really need to travel?

Nobody wants to have their plans disrupted by the weather, but venturing out in the snow and ice can be both risky and expensive.

The most common claims over the winter period relate to cars skidding on ice or leaves, usually damaging the suspension as they hit the kerb.

If you do think that you need to travel, the Highway Code states that before you set off you must:

Be able to see. Clear all snow and ice from all your windows

Make sure that lights are clean and number plates are clearly visible and legible

Make sure the mirrors are clear and the windows are de-misted thoroughly

Remove all snow that might fall off into the path of other road users

Check your planned route is clear of delays and that no further snowfalls or severe weather are predicted.

3. Are you prepared for an emergency?

It’s great to have comprehensive car insurance, including breakdown cover, but make sure that you keep your policy number and rescue details in the car.

No matter what time of the year it is, it’s also a good idea to leave a high-vis jacket, warning triangle, first aid kit and torch in your car, some of these are essentials when driving in France.

During winter months, you’ll need to add de-icer and screen wash. Just in case you do have to wait in your car in the cold, it’s wise to keep blankets, food and water in your vehicle too.

Top tips for safe winter driving

If your journey is essential, try to allow yourself extra time. Keep a careful look-out for pedestrians who may be walking on the road instead of treacherous pavements and remember that it takes 10 times longer than usual to stop in the ice and snow.

Gentle, steady manoeuvres are essential for safe driving. In wintry conditions your vehicle may not behave as it usually does, so avoid harsh braking and acceleration, or sharp steering.

If conditions worsen while you’re out, try winding down your windows to look and listen for approaching traffic. If you cannot see, pull over until it’s safe to continue.

Don’t forget:

Thieves love the opportunity to steal a car left trustingly unlocked outside as it warms up. If you don’t have time to wait in the car as your windscreen thaws, try placing an old bed sheet or cover under your windscreen wipers overnight to prevent frost forming.

There’s no substitute for driving safely and checking that your car is well-maintained.

Cle Mortages 

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

Some content taken from UK Nationwide Building Society website.

Add CommentViews: 294
Dec 6

Has the Pound Recovered in Time for Christmas

FC Exchange

Learn more about Christmas markets in France like the one pictured above in Strasbourg.

Back in the UK the pound was in buoyant fashion on Monday morning strengthening against many of the majors. Due to events over in Italy the pound spiked to over a four month high of 1.2041 but retracted over the course of the day back to a low of 1.1786. The pound has been on a slow gradual increase against the Euro over the last 5 weeks representing some attractive buying levels but I feel any further significant gains will be limited by Brexit fears.

Yesterday the Government started its appeal at the Supreme Court against a High Court ruling that Parliament must vote on the triggering of Article 50. Government lawyer James Eadie QC stated that the government could trigger Article 50 and that there was no basis for Parliament to get the final say. This spooked the markets and started the retraction for the pound. The uncertainty will last for the majority of this week while this unfolds so economic data will more than likely take a back seat in the pounds movements.

A drop for the pound by over two and a half cents is a worrying concern and those that were hoping events in Italy will help the pound remain above 1.20 have been left bitterly disappointed. Last time the pound reached 1.1950 a week later it was down by 5 cents back to 1.14 and we may see a similar movement while the Supreme Court ruling continues.

If you are buying a property in the near future and looking at your purchase either before or after the new year now may be a wise time to look at your conversion while the pound is still up over 9% from the lows witnessed in early October. This is a significant gain and still represents very attractive buying levels.

Thinking of exchanging currency? then contact Ben using this form (click here) with your requirement and he will explain the options that are available to you in getting the best exchange rate.

Current rates:

Tuesday 6th December at 10:20

£1.00 GBP = 1.1839 EURO

£1.00 GBP = 1.2753 USD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7131 AUD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7900 NZD

£1.00 GBP = 1.6910 CAD

£1.00 GBP = 17.3875 ZAR

Just imagine if YOU could forecast the exchange rate?

No one can do that of course but being well informed is a start and knowing the events coming up that may influence the GBP/EURO exchange rate may help you with your planning.

The latest quarterly currency market forecasts from the international money transfer experts, FC Exchange, are now available. The reports are essential reading for anyone buying or selling a property, in fact anyone making international money transfers.

The currency markets have always fluctuated, but this year has seen unprecedented levels of volatility. The currency forecasts review the factors that have contributed to the uncertainty we have seen this year and look ahead to the issues that could affect currency markets in the next quarter, moving into 2017.

Grab your Free Report here... 

FC Exchange Market Report

Do you want more information ?

So if you need to buy or sell sterling and would like to be kept up to date with all the latest data releases and exchange rate movements then feel free to contact myself Ben Amrany. If you are buying or selling a house in France we will make sure your monies are in the right place at the right time, we work hand in hand with you and Cle France.

For more information on the currency service I can provide please feel free to contact myself...

Ben Amrany from FC Exchange follow this link or phone and ask for myself and quote "Cle France" on 020 7989 0000.

You may contact me directly using this form (click here) with your requirement and I will explain the options that are available to you in getting the best exchange rate.

FC Exchange

For everything you need to know about French property visit

Add CommentViews: 329
Dec 1

Is the Euro to suffer in Italian Referendum

FC Exchange

Will the Euro suffer in Italian Referendum?

Italian citizens will go to the polls this Sunday to vote on constitutional reform. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is seeking to reduce the powers and size of the senate – the upper house of Italy’s parliament. If he is successful then it will pave the way for Renzi to govern more easily - effectively streamline Italian politics. If he is successful then it would grant him unprecedented powers, which many of the other political parties fear. If he fails to get the required “Yes” vote he has promised to resign which is likely to cause volatility in the markets and euro weakness.                          

Presently polls have a “No” vote with a slender lead and if this result is realised and Renzi resigns then it may trigger an early parliamentary election. Fears are that beneficiaries of such an election may be the more right-wing anti-euro rhetoric parties. One of these is the Five Star Movement, founded in 2009, which has already enjoyed electoral success this year, winning mayoral races in both Turin and Rome.

This uncertainty is expected to impact the European Central Bank’s decision next week on whether to continue its stimulus programme. Italian banks are anticipated to hold nearly a third of the €990bn unpaid loans to top eurozone lenders. The ECB is therefore likely to temporarily boost purchases of Italian government bonds if the vote sharply drives up borrowing costs. 

Current rates:

Thursday 1st December at 08:00

£1.00 GBP = 1.1815 EURO

£1.00 GBP = 1.2542 USD

£1.00 GBP = 1.6933 AUD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7676 NZD

£1.00 GBP = 1.6787 CAD

£1.00 GBP = 17.4837 ZAR

Just imagine if YOU could forecast the exchange rate?

No one can do that of course but being well informed is a start and knowing the events coming up that may influence the GBP/EURO exchange rate may help you with your planning.

The latest quarterly currency market forecasts from the international money transfer experts, FC Exchange, are now available. The reports are essential reading for anyone buying or selling a property, in fact anyone making international money transfers.

The currency markets have always fluctuated, but this year has seen unprecedented levels of volatility. The currency forecasts review the factors that have contributed to the uncertainty we have seen this year and look ahead to the issues that could affect currency markets in the next quarter, moving into 2017.

Grab your Free Report here... 

FC Exchange Market Report

Do you want more information ?

So if you need to buy or sell sterling and would like to be kept up to date with all the latest data releases and exchange rate movements then feel free to contact myself Ben Amrany. If you are buying or selling a house in France we will make sure your monies are in the right place at the right time, we work hand in hand with you and Cle France.

For more information on the currency service I can provide please feel free to contact myself...

Ben Amrany from FC Exchange follow this link or phone and ask for myself and quote "Cle France" on 020 7989 0000.

You may contact me directly using this form (click here) with your requirement and I will explain the options that are available to you in getting the best exchange rate.

FC Exchange

For everything you need to know about French property visit

Add CommentViews: 342

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