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Clé France

The French Property Network

Jun 28

Possible impact of the ‘Leave’ result

As you can imagine, we have had a very busy start of the week here at CLE FRANCE! 

We have sold many properties in France over the years, and are often in touch with our previous customers as well as current ones. It is no surprise therefore that we have had a large number of enquiries from people who are already living there, or own holiday homes, and indeed from those clients who are thinking of purchasing, or are part way through the buying process. 

There has of course been much comment on the possible impact of the ‘Leave’ result across the media, and various individuals, companies and organisations have contributed to the debate. So I thought it helpful to those clients who have phoned or e-mailed in to put out a short blog to address some of the points you have raised.

Living and Working in France

One of the principal concerns has been from British people living in France, who are concerned that they may no longer have the right to live and work in France, and that perhaps their access to healthcare might be compromised. The consensus of opinion is that for now not much will change. The process of withdrawing from the EU will not be a speedy one, and the residency of those ex-pats living in France and elsewhere in the EU will no doubt form a part of that negotiation process. And of course we have a large number of French nationals who live and work in London (it is France’s 6th biggest city in terms of the French population).  

So there are people living on both sides of the channel whose lives will need to be accommodated. When I moved to France a residency permit known as the ‘Carte De Sejour’ was required; it was a relatively straightforward application process (or at least as straightforward as a French bureaucratic process can be!) Perhaps this could be re-introduced for British residents in the future. 

Holiday Home Ownership

In terms of holiday home ownership we sell houses to Americans and Australians etc every week, there's never an issue with that, and I envisage that although it is still early days, British buyers will continue to buy and enjoy their holiday homes, as they always have done. In fact I have been surprised at the number of clients who have contacted us to say that they are proceeding with their plans as before: it seems our love affair with France remains strong. 


In terms of financing a purchase abroad there might be more stringent conditions on non EU passport holders getting French mortgages but again non EU applicants do get loans from French banks, so there's no reason to imagine that the British would be treated any differently from those applicants.  

Inheritance and Taxation

Another area of concern for clients is that of inheritance rules and taxation, as currently the legislation treats EU and non EU citizens differently. These are areas that will from part of the withdrawal process, and again I don’t anticipate that we will get quick answers to these questions. It may well be that British home owners in France would be treated as Non EU home owners currently are. 

Business as Usual

Clearly there are remain many questions to be answered, and fine details to be ironed out. But what is becoming apparent is that this will be a long process, possibly years in the making, and we will of course bring further news as and when it becomes available during the coming months. But in the meantime life continues much as it always has done: the British have always lived, worked and retired to sunnier climes, and that will doubtless continue, even if some administrative aspects of live abroad may change. 

So enjoy your summer whether you are in the UK or France! 

Do You have a Question?

No doubt following the UK decision to leave the EU you may have a lot of questions surrounding this subject and indeed anything connected with searching for, viewing, making an offer, the buying process, owning a French property and moving to France etc.

If you have a question? just "Ask Alex" and she will do her best to answer you as she has so many times before for many Cle France clients, take a look at the recent and historic 'Frequently Asked Questions".

Cle France Blog

Blog submitted by: Sharon at The French Property Network - Cle France.

Add CommentViews: 277
Jun 27

Sterling likely to stay under pressure

"Brexit" process and timeline likely to dominate financial markets for months to come...

Monday 24th June at 12:30 - £1.00 GBP = 1.20 EUR

Regardless of which side of the debate you have been on, it's undeniable the words 'Brexit' and referendum have got on people's nerves due to their over-use these last few months. Unfortunately, they are set to remain in everyday use when it comes to financial, currency and stocks & Shares markets.

Last week's vote by the British public to leave the European Union has ensured our newspapers and TV news shows will be dominated by issues surrounding this subject.

The next and most imminent process on the agenda is for a new prime minister to be defined following which a discussion can be had on how and in which fashion to invoke "Article 50" - the right of any EU member to leave the union. EU spokesmen and key figures have all called for the UK to do this as quick as possible, however, while we still need to identify the prime minister to do this they may be waiting a while. 

Sterling is, as expected, likely to stay under pressure for the foreseeable future. The UK now heads into a period of considerable uncertainty, this leaves the pound susceptible to further weakness.

GBP/USD Pairing 

Friday's GBP/USD European/New York trading rate was $1.32 - $1.39, this week's trading range will by no means be restricted to that. Should markets encounter further anxiety, sterling could bear the brunt.

GBP/EUR Pairing

GBP/EUR also saw significant weakness, however, with the current situation extremely negative for the EU and eurozone, damage encountered against the shared currency should be limited to an extent.

FC Exchange

Extended trading hours between 20–27 June 2016

Trading hours

Monday 27th June – 6:00am – 10:00pm

Do you want more information ?

So if you need to buy or sell sterling and would like to be kept up to date with all the latest data releases and exchange rate movements then feel free to contact myself Ben Amrany. If you are buying or selling a house in France we will make sure your monies are in the right place at the right time, we work hand in hand with you and Cle France.

For more information on the currency service I can provide please feel free to contact myself...

Ben Amrany from FC Exchange follow this link or phone and ask for myself and quote "Cle France" on 020 7989 0000.

You may contact me directly using this form (click here) with your requirement and I will explain the options that are available to you in getting the best exchange rate.

FC Exchange

Blog submitted by: Ben Amrany for The French Property Network - Cle France.

For everything you need to know about French property visit

Add CommentViews: 330
Jun 24

No more bleating on about 'In or Out'

Today the UK has voted to leave the European Union after 43 years in a historic referendum. In an extremely close result, Vote Leave has come out on top [52% / 48%].

So no more bleating on about 'In or Out' as we now know the direction, the details will follow in time no doubt but it is going to be a long road and very little will change for up to around 2 years, apart from politicians jobs of course.

We will keep posting news items in or "News in General" on where the country goes from here across the days, weeks and months ahead. Numerous speeches are expected from the government, Bank of England and the EU of course.

Apart from that it is business as usual if you are thinking about buying a Holiday Home or moving full time to France, just a bit more paperwork to do in the future [and we do that for you anyway] so all that means is a little more work for us and our agents on the ground but... hey, we are used to paperwork...

Cle France Blog

The Stocks and Shares and the Currency Markets have been hit as predicted, at the time of writing sterling has plunged 10% and 7% against the US dollar and euro respectively.

Today at 18:30 - £1.00 GBP = 1.2318 EUR

Cle France The French Property Network website - One point of contact / 150+ agents / 7000+ properties for sale.

Cle France

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

Add CommentViews: 184
Jun 24

UK votes to leave the European Union

The UK has voted to leave the European Union after 43 years in a historic referendum.

In an extremely close result, Vote Leave has come out on top [52% / 48%].

The details of where the country goes from here will be established across the days, weeks and months ahead.

Numerous speeches are expected from the government, Bank of England and probably the EU.

The main focus of this report is on currency rates. At the time of writing sterling has plunged 10% and 7% against the US dollar and euro respectively.

The currency markets are expected to be exceptionally volatile today and the pound is in free fall at the moment.

Friday 24th June at 08:45 - £1.00 GBP = 1.2366 EUR

For any clients wishing to receive quotes it's recommended you call in [020 7989 0000] rather than email.

Ben Amrany from FC Exchange follow this link or phone and ask for myself on 020 7989 0000.

FC Exchange

Do you want more information ?

So if you need to buy or sell sterling and would like to be kept up to date with all the latest data releases and exchange rate movements then feel free to contact myself Ben Amrany. If you are buying or selling a house in France we will make sure your monies are in the right place at the right time, we work hand in hand with you and Cle France.

For more information on the currency service I can provide please feel free to contact myself...

Ben Amrany from FC Exchange follow this link or phone and ask for myself and quote "Cle France" on 020 7989 0000.

You may contact me directly using this form (click here) with your requirement and I will explain the options that are available to you in getting the best exchange rate.

FC Exchange

Blog submitted by: Ben Amrany for The French Property Network - Cle France.

For everything you need to know about French property visit

Add CommentViews: 223
Jun 23

An Historic Day Today

Historic Voting Starts!

Today is the historic day when the people of UK decide whether to remain part of the European Union. 

A study run by Natcen Social Research, which calculates the average figure of the last 6 polls says that 51% are in favour of remaining in the EU, whereas 49% are in favour of leaving. With there also being a large number of people still undecided, the outcome is very much far from certain.

As a result of this currency markets are expected to be extremely volatile over the next 48 hours. If you have any requirement for a currency exchange we could be looking at big swings in the rates.

To protect yourself against any currency moves it important to speak to Ben Amrany from FC Exchange follow this link or phone and ask for him and quote "Cle France" on 020 7989 0000.

Thursday 23rd June at 16:45 - £1.00 GBP = 1.3014 EUR

FC Exchange

Brexit Currency Calculator

With the EU referendum fast approaching, the impact of 'Leave' or indeed 'Remain' in the EU has been much debated, including its impact on exchange rates, so we have developed a "Brexit Currency Calculator" that looks at the potential outcomes for the pound against some of the major currencies.

Try the Brexit Currency Calculator here.

The familiar George Soros also warned yesterday that British jobs and finances would be at risk if the country left the EU. He said that the pound would ‘decline precipitously’ in the event of a Brexit by around 15% and possibly more than 20% against the dollar. Going on the performance of the pound yesterday, this is not hard to believe.

One thing is certain, we can expect significant volatility before the referendum and after as the market struggles to price in this unique event.

Extended trading hours between 20–27 June 2016

Trading hours

Monday 20th June – 7.30am – 7pm

Tuesday 21st June – 7.30am – 7pm

Wednesday 22nd June – 6:00am – 10:00pm

Thursday 23rd June – 24-hour service (6:00am through to Friday 10:00pm)

Friday 24th June – Close at 10pm

Saturday 25th June – Closed

Sunday 26th June – Closed

Monday 27th June – 6:00am – 10:00pm

Do you want more information ?

So if you need to buy or sell sterling and would like to be kept up to date with all the latest data releases and exchange rate movements then feel free to contact myself Ben Amrany. If you are buying or selling a house in France we will make sure your monies are in the right place at the right time, we work hand in hand with you and Cle France.

For more information on the currency service I can provide please feel free to contact myself...

Ben Amrany from FC Exchange follow this link or phone and ask for myself and quote "Cle France" on 020 7989 0000.

You may contact me directly using this form (click here) with your requirement and I will explain the options that are available to you in getting the best exchange rate.

FC Exchange

Blog submitted by: Ben Amrany for The French Property Network - Cle France.

For everything you need to know about French property visit

Add CommentViews: 375

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