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Clé France

The French Property Network

Apr 1

In France, an April Fool's joke is known as Poisson d'Avril

In France, an April Fool's joke is known as Poisson d'Avril - April Fish. That's why the people in the postcard below are holding a fish!

In all regions of France there will be a lot more Fish available and being bought for celebratory lunches, a bit like Pancake Day BUT with Fish!

The first year my son played an April Fools joke on me I was confused as to why he kept shouting "Poisson d'Avril, Poisson d'Avril, Poisson d'Avril", the calming influence of my wife explaining why he was repeatedly shouting this phrase thankfully avoided me having him see a costly psychiatrist and as it turns out, he is fine. 

This postcard was originally sent in 1908 and the words on the bottom translate as:

'When you receive our nice fish, you'll know we're always thinking of you.'

To be honest if you opened the door at these two characters were standing there you would have a right to be scared! but they are no doubt charming friendly neighbours as is the norm in France.

The 'rules' of April Fool's and Poisson d'Avril are more or less the same thing, other than the French have a Fascination for Fish! The tradition in France is that along with practical jokes and bogus news stories, putting paper fish on the backs of unsuspecting victims is thought as hilarious, those crazy French japes eh! 

Here's a little April 1st film trivia for you: What gritty and stylish 1970's police movie takes place in Marseille where the opening scene is on April 1st?

See Below for the answer.

April Fools Day in France

Pictured above: Sharon & David earlier today!

ANSWER IS: the French Connection II. In the opening scenes of the movie, Jimmy 'Popeye' Doyle (played by Gene Hackman) meets Henri Barthélémy (played by Bernard Fresson), in front of the gendarmarie in Marseille. Barthélémy is looking for drugs, where else but in a fish of course, based on a tip. He doesn't find any, as it's a Poisson d'Avril it is a joke played on the police, get it?

Anybody played any good "Poisson d'Avril" jokes or had one played on them?

Blog submitted by: David at The French Property Network - Cle France.

Thanks for the website 'Americans in France' for the original French Postcard image.

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Mar 29

Thousands of English Language Jobs in France

Good news: France has just created more jobs than at any time since 2007.

Job creation by French companies hit its highest level last year since the global financial crisis, data showed Thursday, underlining the brightening prospects for the eurozone's second-biggest economy six weeks from elections

Figures from statistics office Insee suggest the next French president, set to take office after a two-stage election in April and May, will inherit an economy showing modest signs of recovery.

A total of 187,200 jobs were created in the non-farm private sector in 2016, the highest annual figure since 2007 before the global financial crisis slammed the world economy.

The most dynamic quarter of the year was the September-December period when 64,400 jobs were created.

3,346 English-language jobs in France

At the time of posting this blog we found 3,346 English-language jobs in France within seconds!

Cle France Blogs

Outlook for France is upwards

Philippe Waechter, chief economist at Natixis, a French investment bank, said the rise was "in line with improving sentiment among business leaders who are anticipating an increase in activity."

The French central bank raised its growth forecasts for this year on Thursday, saying it now expected the economy to expand by 1.3 percent from 1.1 percent in 2016.

This remains below the Socialist government's forecast of 1.5 percent, but is in line with many private forecasters and the OECD who have also been adjusting their outlook for France upwards.

Economy top priority

The uptick in job creation comes too late for Socialist President Francois Hollande who decided in December not to stand for re-election after having failed to lower the unemployment rate of around 10 percent over his five-year term.

He staked his future on tax incentives for new positions and pro-market economic reforms, such as changes to France's rigid labour code, which he hoped would generate fresh employment.

"It's surprising that with growth so low we have managed to create so many jobs," economist Mathieu Plane from the OFCE economic think tank at Sciences Po university in Paris observed.

French growth still lags the eurozone's as a whole, which is forecast by the European Central Bank to expand by 1.8 percent in 2017. Unemployment remains double the rate of that of Germany or Britain.

Polls show that jobs are the main concern for French voters, far more than immigration or security despite a string of attacks on France since 2015.

Independent centrist Emmanuel Macron, a 39-year-old former economy minister responsible for one of Hollande's main pro-market reforms, is currently the favourite to be the next president.

He faces competition from far-right leader Marine Le Pen, who is promising protectionism and to withdraw France from the European Union - a message popular with workers affected by factory closures.

Analysts urge caution about making firm forecasts, however, after an unpredictable campaign which has seen former rightwing front-runner Francois Fillon ensnared in a fake job scandal involving his wife.

Jerome Fourquet, head of research at polling group Ifop, says the economy overtook security as voters' main concern at the end of last year.

"It's the economy and social questions which are again the priority for French people," he told AFP, before adding a warning: another attack would make security the top concern "in an instant".

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Cle Mortgages

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog is taken from a news article on The Local - France's news in English.

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Mar 21

Moving House, in French

Managing Le Déménagement – Moving In French

After a few more longues layovers I’ve settled into mon nouvel appartement (my new apartment). The whole process of moving was stressful, but not nearly as much as ma soutenance (my thesis defense).

After the holiday cheer died down and the sounds of Bonjour Noel were drowned out by the cries of “Bon Nouvel An !”, I had to start thinking about le déménagement (moving) during the cold months of winter.

Déménager (moving) always takes a long time and involves a lot of preparation. The process unfortunately doesn’t end once everything is moved. Settling in and unpacking can often take just as long as packing in the first place.

Préparer ses affaires

La première étape (the first step) is to préparer ses affaires (pack up your things). I wanted to make sure I got back mon dépôt de garantie (my security deposit) so I had to check chaque recoin (every nook and cranny) of mon ancien appartement (my old apartment) before leaving.

Looking over all mes affaires while cleaning up l’appartement, I had to either mettre dans un carton (put in a box) or jeter dans la poubelle (throw into the trashcan) everything I had!

Luckily I’m un pro de Tetris (a pro at Tetris) so fitting everything I wanted into les cartons (the boxes) was relatively easy.

Le Déménagement

La prochaine étape (the next step) was a bit more difficult. Once les cartons were ready, I had to figure out la logistique du déménagement (the logistics of moving).

I carried some of les cartons by myself, but the rest I had to send with la poste. Figuring out if I had the right assurance (insurance) for what I was sending was as hard as getting all of les cartons au bureau de poste (the boxes to the post office).

What followed was a stressful day of moving. I took all les cartons that I could and hoped the rest of mes affaires would arrive within a day or two.


La dernière étape du déménagement (the last step of moving) is always the hardest and starts with having to déballer les cartons (unpack the boxes). Walking into un nouvel appartement filled with des cartons when all you want to do is dormir (sleep) can be un vrai casse tête (a real headache).

Cependant (however), this last step helps you really s’installer dans un nouveau logement (settle into a new place).

There is still a lot that needs to get done, but now that the hard part is done I just need to figure out where everything should go!

Club Clé France: Removals

You could simplify things by using a removal firm of course! we are proud to work in partnership with Hamiltons who have been offering an excellent removal service since the Company's formation in 1993.

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So... you have searched all the property for sale in France, or at least that is what it felt like! You have found your perfect French Property and Cle France have helped you through the buying process, all you need do now is figure out the best way to get you and your furniture to your new house in France! it's easy.

For everything you need to know about French property visit

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Mar 21

Getting a Haircut, in French

Une Visite Chez Le Coiffeur

Here’s a short story in French (with it’s English translation below) about my son’s monthly trips to the barbershop. Following these three paragraphs, you can find the vocabulary used in the story as well as additional vocabulary you can use for your own trip to the hairdresser.

Chaque mois, mon mari amène notre fils chez le coiffeur, où notre fils s’assoit dans une petite voiture rouge faite de plastique et où il se fait tailler ses cheveux.

Normalement, mon mari demande au coiffeur une coupe de footballeur, ce que veut dire qu’il coupe les cheveux très court sur les côtes et les laisse longs sur le dessus.

Si notre fils reste calmement, il va avoir une sucette!

English Translation:

Every month, my husband brings our son to the barber, where our son gets to sit in a little, red plastic car and have his hair trimmed.

Normally, my husband asks the barber for a “soccer player’s haircut,” which just means short on the side and long on top.

If our son sits quietly, he will get a lollipop!

Cle France Blogs

After reading that short story in French, here’s some additional vocabulary to help you when you need a trip to the barber or hairdresser:

hair: les cheveux (Remember: hair is always plural (m.) unless you are talking about a single strand of hair.)

haircut: une coupe

trim: tailler

barber: le coiffeur

a lock of hair: une mèche

bangs: une frange

hair part: une raie

crew cut: coupe en brosse

clippers: la tondeuse

hair ends: les pointes

Layered on top: dégradé sur le dessus

dyed: colorés

curly: bouclés

smooth: lisses

fine: fins

dry: secs

thick: épais

thick: gras

normal: normaux

a blow-dry or straightening treatment: un brushing

shampoo: le shampooing

conditioner: l’après shampooing

the sides: les côtes

the top: le dessus.

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Cle Mortgages

Blog submitted by: David at The French Property Network - Cle France.

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Mar 19

Thank you for the insurance referral

Hi Sharon,

Just a quick note to say thank you for the insurance referral.

This really paid dividends... Ceri at Allianz Insurance was able to cut the * price in two! (* other insurance company name removed).

Many thanks.

Best regards, Kenny.

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Thank You Cle France

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